Monday, July 18, 2011

Number 261 - My First Poached Egg!


So, I can cook. I can follow a recipe. Sometimes I can even improvise. But I am not a chef by any means. I don't have that deep seated desire to create. But, I like things to look pretty and taste good.

Last weekend I was lucky enough to dine at the home of some great friends. And, lucky for me, even better chefs! For dinner we had what I was told was common French cuisine, a crepe. However, this was no crepe with whipped cream and strawberries in that goo. This was a crepe filled with sauteed spinach, canadian bacon, AND a poached egg. I don't know what it is about eggs, but these people know how to make an egg!

So, tonight I was inspired to make a poached egg. Except of course I don't know how to make a poached egg. Lucky for me, I have another great friend who always eagerly entertains my ridiculous inquiries, in the middle of the work day, like "How do I poach an egg?" Apparently, this is how:

1. Break an egg into a small bowl or container;

2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil;

3. Once the water is boiling, lower the temp;

4. Add 2 tablespoons vinegar (Yes, I know it sounds weird, I didn't believe it either);

5. Spin. I used the end of a spatula which seemed to work. For some reason, it has to be clockwise. Anyway, put the spatula in the water and start spinning. However, word to the wise, be careful or you will soon have boiling water flying at you. I speak from experience;

6. Once the water is good and mobile, gently pour the egg in the middle of the pan;

7. Remove the pan from heat, cover, and let sit for 4 minutes;

8. Gently remove the egg with a slotted spoon and place into a paper towel cupped in your hand. This just helps to get a little of the water off of it; and

9. Voila! Egg.

I used a nice spring mix, topped with a piece of whole wheat toast and tomatoes as a base. A nice crusty bread would have been better. And, it definitely was missing some bacon! But, topped with some balsamic and olive oil and it was pretty dang good!

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